Lolium perenne

  • Europe’s No. 1: Highest category for sport applications
  • Extremely durable
  • Quickly established
  • Strong root system
  • High regeneration ability
View all Perennial ryegrass seeds



Experience the unbelievable performance of this variety and feel like a football world champion! The ability to fill gaps quickly, the turf density and the general appearance of the variety mean it’s not without good reason that EURODIAMOND is Europe's No. 1 for sport applications.


Top rated Cultivar

EURODIAMOND is the winner of all the previous tests performed by independent test centres (STRI, BSA, Plantum) and has been top of the lists ever since. The mid-green colour makes it an ideal mix partner for all premium mixtures in the hard-wearing area.

Technical Specifications

  • Listed/recommended in UK


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

BSPB Turfgrass List

DLF is proud to have some of the highest STRI rated cultivars, meaning you can feel confident that your turf grass seed has the best chance at creating the elite facilities you are looking for. BSPB is a trade association providing accurately analysed and independently supervised trials for turf seed companies.

Turfgrass Seed 2024
Lawns, Landscaping, Summer Sports and Turf Trials (Mown at 10-15mm)

Cultivar Shoot Density Fineness of Leaf Slow Regrowth Visual Merit Mean Resistance to Red Thread Cleanness of Cut Winter Greenness Summer Greenness
Eurodiamond 6.2 6.6 6.3 6.5 6.4 5.0 4.2 5.7 5.7
Mean of all 7.0 6.9 6.4 7.0 6.8 5.9 6.3 5.6 5.7

Turfgrass Seed 2024
Sports Uses (Mown at 25mm)

Cultivar Live Ground Cover Visual Merit Mean Recovery Shoot Density Fineness of Leaf Resistance to Red Thread Winter Greenness Summer Greenness
Eurodiamond 7.7 7.6 7.6 6.8 7.2 6.2 3.7 5.4


Mean of all 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.6 6.7 6.6 5.7 5.7 5.8

Find the perfect mixture

The Masterline® mixtures are designed for golf courses, stadiums, parks, etc. The mixtures consist of very fine-leafed and dense-growing, quality varieties. For enhanced performance two varieties of each species are always used in the mixtures.

Explore the range

For over 175 years Johnsons Sports Seed mixtures have been equivalent to quality sports turf with an unequalled reputation for technical excellence, reflecting the standards set by the people who use them - those who lead the way in sports turf management.

Explore the range

The MM Brand is one of the oldest most respected professional brands in the UK Industry with over 40 years knowledge in grass and wildflower seed. Our product portfolio is second to none with performance proven mixtures, that are used at elite professional stadiums, golf courses and international tennis centres.

Explore the range

The latest Designer range of grass and wild flower seed contain mixtures and varieties that have been formulated over the last 30 years to withstand the UK climate and demands of the modern day sports and amenity professional. 

Explore the range

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Amenity Team:

Telephone: 01386 791102

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