Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement 2021

DLF is one of the world’s largest producers and distributors of herbage seed. The Company’s Head Office is based in Denmark, with subsidiaries in Holland, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, China, New Zealand, South America, USA, Canada and the UK.  The UK subsidiary, DLF Seeds Ltd supplies high quality herbage seeds to the agricultural, amenity and domestic markets. We operate at 4 UK sites in England and Scotland.

As part of an international business, we at DLF Seeds Ltd recognise that modern day slavery, human trafficking and worker exploitation are significant problems in our global society.  As a responsible employer and trader, we support the legislation introduced by the UK government to help address these issues.

This statement sets out the steps we have taken to reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring within the business or our supply chain during the financial year ending June 30th 2020.


Operating Principles

We conduct our business ethically and with integrity.  Our employment practices are regularly audited and shared with the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX). The audit covers all aspects of our business in areas such as Health and Safety, Business Ethics and the Environment. We are 100% compliant in all categories.

SEDEX members operate in accordance with the Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI) Base Code.   The ETI promotes workers’ rights around the globe and its Base Code sets minimum standards in areas such as worker safety, fair pay and freedom of expression. These standards are central to the SEDEX audit process. Copies of the ETI code of practice are displayed on internal notice boards.

We recruit all employees, whether permanent or seasonal temps, from reputable sources.  We require documentary proof that they are entitled to work in the UK.  We exceed the minimum wage and offer holidays and other benefits beyond those required by statute.  

Our Business Supply Chain

DLF is owned by a co-operative of Danish farmers.  DLF Seeds Ltd buys wholesale seed for mixing and resale, primarily from the DLF group.  We also produce seed with selected growers in the UK.   We have established long term relationships with many of our seed suppliers.

We expect businesses or individuals who supply us with products or services to share our ethical values and take reasonable steps to guard against exploitation within their business and their own supply chain. We routinely deal with suppliers in the UK, Ireland and the European Union, as well as the United States.

We are in the process of writing to our direct suppliers, a) to reaffirm our commitment to ethical trade principles and b) to set out what we expect of them in this respect. We believe this is a proportionate approach, as it is not practical for us or our suppliers to have direct contact at every level in the chain. Furthermore, our Product Group Managers are required to review and risk assess their suppliers. Any areas of possible concern will be reported to the Director of Operations who has overall responsibility for compliance, or the HR Manager.  

Raising Awareness in DLF Seeds

To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide training to relevant members of staff.  All Directors and the Management Team have been briefed on the subject.

We have a Whistleblowing policy to reassure employees that they may raise concerns about suspected malpractice safely and without fear of retribution.  Specific reference to modern day slavery and human trafficking as examples of malpractice have been added to the policy, which is included in the Employee Handbook

This statement constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the current financial year.

Tim Kerridge

Managing Director of DLF Seeds Ltd