DLF Alfalfa also performs at its best in combination with grass

Tall Fescue PLUS is an upgrade compared to ordinary tall fescues. Simply put, you mix the best from tall fescues with ryegrass genes, including higher digestibility and faster establishment.

A seed mixture containing DLF Alfalfa and grasses is a three in one solution:

  • Improves the feed value through an optimal ratio of energy and protein
  • Makes it easier to conserve as silage and exploit for grazing
  • Offers more reliable feed production during dry periods

With alfalfa-grass mixtures you get

Increased protein content

The dry-matter protein content of DLF Alfalfa is up to 20%. In grasses it is up to 14%. By mixing the two, you can increase protein content in your forage by 1-5%.

Decreased sugar content

Grasses have high dry-matter sugar levels,  sugar content in DLF Alfalfa is somewhat lower. When you mix the two, you achieve a sugar content that is roughly midway between the two.

Feed value of alfalfa-grass mixtures

The dry-matter feed value from DLF Alfalfa-and-grass forage is 165 g protein/kg, and its energy is 0,85 UFL/kg (UFL = unité fourragère lait = milk feeding units). Pure grasses have a slightly higher energy value of 0,88 UFL/kg, but are a much lower protein source at 113 g/kg.

Research carried out by DLF showed how various combinations of DLF Alfalfa and Festulolium (Festuca and Lolium types) altered the yield of dry matter, protein content, and digestibility:

More milk from forage

Source: DLF R&D trial network

  DLF Alfalfa
50% Perun
50% Daisy
50% Hykor
50% Daisy
Yield, Ton DM/ha 9,5 14,5 14,4 13,6 12,7
% Protein in DM 19,7 11,4 17,9 11,9 16,8
% Digestible Organic Matter 70,0 74,9 72,7 70,1 67,0


Silage characteristics of maize, grass, and DLF Alfalfa

Characteristics and how to improve the diet

Feeding source Main characteristics How to improve the diet
Maize High energy concentration (carbohydrates - mainly starch) Low protein content and cell wall content (NDF) Protein - soya concentrates, legumes. Fibre especially NDF- grass. DLF Alfalfa, straw
Perennial grass-legume mixtures High content of fibre (NDF) and protein (legumes in particular)
Medium energy concentration
Energy-maize silage. grain concentrates Eventually more protein
DLF  Very high content of protein
Low energy concentration, low silage coefficient
Energy - Maize silage, grain concentrates Silage additives


DLF Alfalfa is a more reliable feed source during dry periods

During spring and summer droughts, the dry-matter yield from grass-and-alfalfa seed mixtures can be up to four times higher than from grass-only mixtures.

A recent Belgian study (presented by Knoden, Hautot, Decamps at Journées AFPF – Paris 21–22 March 2016, showed how the addition of alfalfa to grass-seed mixtures altered the yield in three locations. They analysed the harvests from three years and found that fields with alfalfa produced significantly more feed in all but one location. The site that showed no advantage was the one that enjoyed sufficient rainfall throughout the growing period.

Grassland legumes boost milk production

Comparison of digestibility, intake, and milk production

  Pure ryegrass Red Clover/
White Clover/
Digestibility DM 72 69 72 64
Silage intake kg DM/cow/day 11.4 12.9 13,2 13.6
Kg milk/cow/day 26.5 31.0 30.7 29.3

Comparison of digestibility, intake, and milk production (kg Energy Corrected Milk) per cow per day for silage made from pure ryegrass, red and white clover-and-grass mixtures, and alfalfa. Dewhurst, 2003.

DLF Alfalfa improves farm self-sufficiency

The tables below show the effect on protein and energy production by introducing 10 hectares of DLF Alfalfa into the rotation.

Autonomy with and without alfalfa

for Protein and Energy needs

% Autonomy Protein Energy
Without Alfalfa 15 40
With Alfalfa 30 61


Hectares on the farm before and after introducing 10 ha alfalfa

Source: A. Uijttewaal, Y. Carel, S. Battegay*

Hectares Before After
Alfalfa 0 10
Oilseed/cereals 75 76
Silage maize 47 36
Grassland 53 53
Total 175 175

*ARVALIS-Institut du Végétal. Journées AFPF – March 2016

Research shows that alfalfa reduces feeding costs

Surveys undertaken in France show how the introduction of a small percentage of alfalfa cuts feeding costs. The average saving was 6€/1000L; survey results ranged from 0€ to 12€/1000 L milk.

Nine projects introducing alfalfa in the forage ration to reduce feeding cost

Published by Institut de l’Elévage 2011 “Les réseaux d’élévage”
Title: "Introduction de luzerne dans le système fourrager"

Region of France System Area (and % of total) containing alfalfa Economic impact
Landes Milk+ sales crops 5 ha (8%) + 4 € /1000L
Haute Marne Milk+ sales crops 8,8 ha (4%) + 12€ /1000L
Cher Milk+ sales crops 8 ha (4%) + 10€ /1000L
Loiret Milk+ sales crops 2 ha (1%) + 5 € /1000L
Indre et Loire Milk+ sales crops 8 ha (4%) + 11 € /1000L
Nord Milk+ sales crops 5 ha (5%) + 3-5 € /1000L
Loire- Atlantique Specialised milk 4,5 ha (6%) + 0 € /1000L
Marne Milk+beef+ sales crops 17,5 ha (5%) + 9 € /1000L
Mayenne Milk+beef+ sales crops 3,5 ha (5%) + 6 € /1000L


Click here to see the DLF alfalfa varieties.