Grass seeds treated with Gromax

GroMax Seed Treatment

Maximise plant development

Biostimulants assist the seedlings ability to take advantage of the soil's own inherent reserves of nutrient by stimulating the soil's microflora. resulting im improved root growth and establishment. All Masterline seed mixtures are GroMax coated as standard

Gromax is a dry formulation of natural humates and humic acids, seaweed extract, a proprietary blend of natural sugars (sucrose), vitamins (B complax & K), soluble potash and buffering agents. The product is compatible with most micro-nutrients, fertilisers and pesticides.

Ingredient Summary

Humic Acids

  • Rich in auxin type substances which enhance antioxidant synthesis – important in increasing plant metabolism under stress conditions
  • Important high carbon food source for soil micro-organisms
  • Improve the permeability of cell-wall membranes in roots, allowing more rapid absorption of essential nutrients

Seaweed Extract

  • Contains high levels of cytokinins which promote cell division and lateral root growth and delay the ageing process of plant tissue
  • Stimulates root growth after damage by disease or root feeding insects, or under conditions of temperature, water or salt stress


  • Serves as a high energy food source for plant and soil micro-organisms

B Complex & K Vitamins

  • Act as important catalysts to enhance and drive plant metabolism. Vitamin B1 is widely used as a rooting aid

Amino acids

  • Form the building blocks of proteins - essential for plant growth and metabolism

Benefits of GroMax

  • Improves establishment
  • Stimulates root growth
  • Improves tolerance to stress
  • Enhances water and nutrient uptake

Find the perfect mixture

The Masterline® mixtures are designed for golf courses, stadiums, parks, etc. The mixtures consist of very fine-leafed and dense-growing, quality varieties. For enhanced performance two varieties of each species are always used in the mixtures.

Explore the range

For over 175 years Johnsons Sports Seed mixtures have been equivalent to quality sports turf with an unequalled reputation for technical excellence, reflecting the standards set by the people who use them - those who lead the way in sports turf management.

Explore the range

The MM Brand is one of the oldest most respected professional brands in the UK Industry with over 40 years knowledge in grass and wildflower seed. Our product portfolio is second to none with performance proven mixtures, that are used at elite professional stadiums, golf courses and international tennis centres.

Explore the range

The latest Designer range of grass and wild flower seed contain mixtures and varieties that have been formulated over the last 30 years to withstand the UK climate and demands of the modern day sports and amenity professional. 

Explore the range

Contact the amenity team

Amenity Team:

Telephone: 01386 791102