The Masterline® Range

Our Masterline® mixtures are designed to comply with demanding professional usage and our mixtures are used for prestigious projects such as football stadiums, golf courses, parks and residential areas. Masterline® is the right solution, when only the best quality is acceptable.

When you deal with seed from DLF, you have science on your side.

Research and development are at the heart of our business. Based on trends, needs and wants of the marketplace our worldwide research and breeding network develop new and better performing varieties to be used in mixtures for a wide range of purposes and climatic conditions. Before we release new seed to the market, we test its suitability in a variety of climates and different soil types. The data tells us how your seed will perform.

Mixtures by Use/Facilities

Football & Rugby

Cricket & Tennis

Horse Racing, Polo & Gallops

Landscape & Lawn

Turf Production

Sportsfield & Athletics

Other Mixtures

Contact us

Amenity Team

Telephone: 01386 791102

Grow Your Knowledge

Grow Your Knowledge


Managing turf is becoming increasingly demanding with changing environmental and climatic conditions. To meet these changing needs, we have screened grass varieties to see which can grow better under difficult conditions like spring and early summer drought, and use nutrients more efficiently to improve the strength and health of the plant. Our research on grass root architecture shows that strong roots are essential and can help you future-proof your business.



With ClearSky, sustainably revegetate and secure airports while limiting maintenance costs and preventing animal hazards.



With Microclover® you can grow a green turf year round - with minimum effort. As one of the few plant species, clover is producing its own nitrogen fertilizer.

Brown patch

Brown patch

Choosing varieties with high brown-patch resistance reduces your reliance on fungicides, and gives you a better pitch quality, more playing hours and increased peace of mind.



Time is money - try out Pronitro® for faster, stronger and more powerful establishment.

DLF Select

DLF Select

DLF select is a quality program to bring professional turf managers reliable access to the highest purity seed stocks they demand.



4turf® is developed to help turf professionals grow a greener, stronger and more sustainable turf – even in the most stressful conditions.



Biostimulants assist the seedlings ability to take advantage of the soil's own inherent reserves of nutrient by stimulating the soil's microflora. resulting im improved root growth and establishment.



4salt is developed for areas with salinity problems and limitations on irrigation water, helping turf professionals grow a persistent turf under harsh conditions.

Technical Data

lbs to kilograms divide by 2.205
kilograms to lbs multiply by 2.205
tons to tonnes multiply by 1.016
tonnes to tons divide by 1.016
cwts to kilograms multiply by 50.794
kilograms to cwts divide by 50.794


acres to hectares divide by 2.471
hectares to acres multiply by 2.471
square yards to square meters multiply by 0.8361
square metres to square yards divide by 0.8361
Pitch Dimensions
  Metres (LxW) Area
Football/Soccer 100 x 64 6400m2
Rugby 100 x 69 6900m2
Hockey 91.4 x 55 5027m2
Cricket Square 30 x 23 690m2
Lawn Tennis 23.8 x 11 262m2
Bowls 40 x 40 1600m2
Croquet 32 x 25.5 816m2
Golf Green   500/600m2
Golf Tee   250/500m2