Pro Flora 5 - Wet Soils

Sowing Rate: 5g /m2

Flowering Height: 5cm to 2m

Flowering Period: May - November

View all Pro Flora seeds
Pro Flora 5 - Wet Soils

This mixture is ideal for low lying heavier soils represented best by lowland water meadows and flood plains that experience seasonal flooding. These soils can have higher nutrient levels, so careful management of the grass species is key to the successful establishment of Pro Flora 5.

20% Wildflowers

  % Species
Betony 1%

Stachys officianlis

Black Knapweed 11%

Centuarea nigra

Devil's Bit Scabious 1% Succisa pratensis
Gipsywort 3% Lycopus europaeus
Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil 5% Lotus ugliginosus
Great Burnet 3% Sanguisorba officinalis
Hemp Agrimony 2% Erigeron acer
Marsh Mallow 1% Althaea officinalis
Marsh Woundwort 1% Stachys palustris
Meadow Buttercup 11% Ranunculus acris
Meadowsweet 6% Flipendula ulmaria

Ox-Eye Daisy

9% Leucanthermum vulgare
Pepper Saxifrage 1% Silaum silas
Purple Loosestrife 4% Lythrum salicaria
Ragged Robin 3% Lychnis floscuculi
Selfheal 8% Prunella vulgaris
Sneezewort 2% Achillea ptarmica
Sq. Stem St John's Wort 1% Hypericum tetrapterum
Tufted Vetch 5% Vicia cracca
Yellow Flag Iris 9% Iris psudacorus
Yellow Rattle 13% Rhinanthus minor

80% Grasses

  % Species
Browntop Bent 5% Agrostis capillaris
Crested Dogstail 19% Cynosurus cristatus
Chewing Fescue 20% Festuca rubra commutata
Meadow Foxtail 6% Alopecurus pratensis
Pendulas Sedge 2% Carex pendula
Sheeps Fescue 5% Festuca ovina
Slender Creeping Red Fescue 25% Festuca rubra litoralis
Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass 10% Poa pratensis
Soft Rush 1% Juncus effusus
Sweet Vernal Grass 4% Anthoxanthum odoratum
Tufted Hairgrass 4% Deschampsia caespitosa

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Telephone: 01386 791102

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