Pro Flora 4 - Calcareous Soils

Sowing Rate: 5g /m2

Flowering Height: 5cm to 2m

Flowering Period: April - October

View all Pro Flora seeds
Pro Flora 4 - Calcareous Soils

Calcareous lime rich soils can often be free draining and lower in nutrients. On very thin soils, establishment can be slow and the grass growth thinner, which is ideal for the longer term development of the flowering species in the Pro Flora 4 mix.

20% Wildflowers

  % Species
Betony 1%

Stachys officianlis

Birdsfoot Trefoil 1%

Lotus corniculatus

Bladder Campion 3%

Silene vulgaris

Bulbous Buttercup 9%

Ranunculus bulbosus

Clustered Bellflower 1%

Campanula glomerata

Common St John's Wort 1% Hypericum perforatum
Common Toadflax 2% Linaria vulgaris
Cowslip 1% Primula veris
Dark Mullein 2% Verbascum nigrum
Dropwort 4% Flipendula vulgaris
Greater Knapweed 7% Centurea scabiosa
Hairy St John's Wort 1% Hypericum hirsutum
Hoary Plantain 5% Plantago media
Kidney Vetch 6% Anthyllis vulnearia
Lady's Bedstraw 12% Galium verum
Meadow Buttercup 11% Rununculus acris
Ox-Eye Daisy 8% Leucanthermum vulgare
Small Scabious 2% Scabiosa columbaria
Tufted Vetch 11% Vicia cracca
Viper's Bugloss 4% Echium vulgare
Weld 1% Reseda luteola
Wild Basil 1% Clinopodium vulgare
Wild Carrot 5% Daucus carota
Wild Marjoram 1% Origanum vulgare

80% Grasses

  % Species
Browntop Bent 5% Agrostis capillaris
Crested Dogstail 22% Cynosurus cristatus
Golden Oatgrass 4% Trisetum flavescens
Quaking Grass 1% Briza media
Hard Fescue 21% Festuca trachyphylla
Sheeps Fescue 12% Festuca ovina
Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass 10% Poa pratensis
Slender Creeping Red Fescue 20% Festuca rubra litoralis
Smaller Catstail 5% Pheleum bertolonii

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