Pro Flora 2 - Acid Soils

Sowing Rate: 5g /m2

Flowering Height: 5cm to 2m

Flowering Period: May - November

View all Pro Flora seeds
Pro Flora 2 - Acid Soils

A species rich grassland mix suited for a range of soil types with a neutral to acidic pH, often found in upland regions. On very thin soils, establishment can be slow and the grass growth thinner, which is ideal for the longer term development of the flowering species in the Pro Flora 2 mix.

20% Wildflowers

  % Species
Betony 1%

Stachys officianlis

Birdsfoot Trefoil 1%

Lotus corniculatus

Black Knapweed 9%

Centuarea nigra

Common Cats Ear 2%

Hypochaeris radicata

Common Storksbill 2% Erodium cicutarium
Devil's Bit Scabious 1% Succisa pratensis
Foxglove 2% Digitalis purpurea
Fragrant Agrimony 9% Agrimonia procera
Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil 5% Lotus ugliginosus
Heath Bedstraw 2% Galium saxatile
Lady's Bedstraw 11% Galium verum
Meadow Buttercup 11% Ranunculus acris

Ox-Eye Daisy

6% Leucanthermum vulgare
Ragged Robin 6% Lychnis floscuculi
Sheeps Sorrel 2% Rumex acetosella
Sneezewort 4% Achillea ptarmica
Sorrel 6% Rumux acetosa
Turted Vetch 7% Vicia cracca
Yarrow 6% Achillea millefolium
Yellow Rattle 7% Rhianthus minor

80% Grasses

  % Species
Browntop Bent 5% Agrostis capillaris
Crested Dogstail 38% Cynosurus cristatus
Chewing Fescue 40% Festuca rubra commutata
Sheeps Fescue 10% Festuca ovina
Sweet Vernal Grass 10% Anthoxanthum odoratum
Wavy Hair-Grass 4% Deschampia flexuosa

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