Pro Flora 14 - Tall Herb & Tussock

Sowing Rate: 5g /m2

Flowering Height: 5cm to 2m

Flowering Period: April - November

View all Pro Flora seeds
Pro Flora 14 - Tall Herb & Tussock

Species with varying heights and structures provide a habitat for a wide range of insects, small mammals, amphibians and reptiles. Taller growing species also help visually to blend more traditional parkland/meadow mixtures with woodland and natural scrub. Tall Herb grassland provides a vital food source late into the year to sustain invertebrates which, together with the seeds, provides a food source for birds.

Maintenance of Pro Flora 14 differs from that of conventional species rich wild flower grassland. Ideally, divide the area into three parts and mow one part per year in rotation so as not to lose the essential habitat that has been created. Leave the arisings in large piles on site; this very coarse hay plays an important part in habitat creation, providing egg laying and hibernation sites for reptiles.

20% Wildflowers

% Species
Black Knapweed 8% Centaurea nigra
Common Agrimony 9% Agrimony eupatoria
Cow Parsley 3% Anthriscus sylvestris
Greater Knapweed 4% Centaurea scabiosa
Hedge Bedstraw 10% Galium mollugo
Lesser Burdock 5% Arctium minus
Meadow Cranesbill 0.5% Geramium pratense
Musk Mallow 3% Malva moschata
Ox-Eye Daisy 6% Leucanthermum vulgare
Ribwort Plantain 5% Plantago lanceolata
Red Campion 12% Silene dioica
Selfheal 10% Prunella vulgaris
Salad Burnet 8% Sanguisorba minor
Teasel 6.5% Dipsacus fullonum
Wild Carrot 5% Daucus carota
Yarrow 5% Achillea millefolium

80% Grasses

% Species
Cocksfoot 12% Dactylis glomerata
Red Fescue 14% Festuca rubra
Crested Dogstail 25% Cynosurus cristatus
Meadow Fescue 10% Festuca pratensis
Meadow Foxtail 3% Alopecurus pratensis
Sheeps Fescue 10% Festuca ovina
Tall Fescue 8% Festuca arundinacea
Tall Oat Grass 5% Arrhentherum elatius
Timothy 10% Phleum pratense
Yorkshire Fog 3% Holcus lanatus

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Telephone: 01386 791102

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