Pro Flora 1 - Cornfield Annuals

Sowing Rate: 5g /m2

Flowering Height: 5cm to 1.2m

Flowering Period: May - October

View all Pro Flora seeds
Pro Flora 1 - Cornfield Annuals

A traditional range of cornfield annuals, suitable for sowing in the spring or autumn, and providing a colourful show in the first year. Suited to a range of soil types, Pro Flora 1 can be harrowed and re-sown in subsequent years, or alternatively, the grasses can be left and managed with either a ‘long grass’ policy or incorporated into a more regular mowing regime.

20% Wildflowers

  % Species Height (cm) Colour Period
Corn Cockle 50%

Agrostemma githago

60-120 Purple June - Aug
Corn Flower 25%

Centurea cyanus

30-60 Blue June - Aug
Corn Marigold 10%

Chrysanthemum segetum

15-45 Yellow June - Oct
Corn Poppy 10%

Papaver rhoeas

30-60 Red June - Sept
Corn Chamomile 5%

Anthemis arvensis

15-50 White June - July

80% Grasses

  % Species Height (cm) Colour Period
Browntop Bent 5% Agrostis Capillaris 10-70 - -
Crested Dogstail 25% Cynosurus Cristatus 5-75 - -
Hard Fescue 20% Festuca Trachyphylla 15-70 - -
Sheeps Fescue 10% Festuca Ovina 20-60 - -
Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass 10% Poa Pratensis      
Red Fescue 30% Festuca Rubra 15-90 -


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