
Light the sky with high impact taller growing species

  • Sowing Rate: 3-5g /m2
  • Flowering Period: June - December
  • Pack Sizes: 1kg & 10kg bags
View all Colour Boost seeds

A taller growing mixture containing classics such as Cosmos and Zinnia. Created for areas where a larger or more open surrounding environment requires a taller growing mixture to deliver the same impact. The taller more robust nature of this mixture also provides  fantastic shelter and a habitat for small mammals, invertebrates and pollinating insects.

Mixture Specifications

Corn Flower Blue/Pink/White
Cosmos Pink/Purple
Corn Marigold Yellow
Tickseed Yellow/Red
Mexican Sunflowers Orange/Red
Garden Zinnia Red/Yellow/Pink
Mexican Marigold Orange/Yellow

Contact the amenity team

Amenity Team:

Telephone: 01386 791102

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