Floral Carpet

Lower Growing Annuals to Recreate a Summer Meadow

  • Sowing Rate: 3-5g /m2
  • Flowering Period: June - December
  • Pack Sizes: 1kg & 10kg bags
View all Colour Boost seeds
Floral Carpet

Lower growing seasonal annuals mixture, designed to create a robust and attractive display in areas where final growing height is of paramount importance. This is particularly relevant when sowing near visibility splays and sight lines on road junctions. This lower growing mixture will provide rich blooms throughout the season, perfect for enhancing any street scene. Quick to establish with a long flowering period from eight weeks after sowing up until the first frosts.

Mixture Specifications

Sweet Alyssum Lilac/White
Pot Marigold Orange/Yellow
Corn Flower Blue/Pink/White
Dwarf Morning Glory Blue/Pink/Purple/White
California Poppy Orange/Yellow
Farewell To Spring Pink/Red/White
Candytuft Blue/Pink/Purple/White
Love-In-a-Mist Blue/Pink/Purple/White
Virginia Stocks Lilac/Pink/White
Flax Blue/Red
Mexican Marigold Orange/Red
China Aster Multi-Coloured
Lobelia Multi-Coloured
Baby Blue Eyes Blue
Phlox Drummondii Multi-Coloured

Contact the amenity team

Amenity Team:

Telephone: 01386 791102
Email: amenity@dlf.co.uk

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