Wildflower Management

The aim is to produce a firm weed-free tilth. Subsoils often provide a weed- free, low nutrient status seed bed, and are therefore suitable for wild flora. It is occasionally necessary to remove the topsoil in areas of high fertility, as these soils tend to promote the growth of more vigorous grasses and pernicious weeds. Treat existing vegetation with a systemic herbicide prior to seed bed cultivation, taking note of any site constraints and manufacturer’s instructions first.

How to sow?

Sowing can take place throughout most of the year, providing a good tilth can be prepared, however the months of March/April and August/September are generally the most suitable.

  1. Regularly mix seed to ensure even species distribution, drill or broadcast
  2. Sow at 5g/m2 for mixtures with grass or 1.0g/ m2 for pure native wild flower mixtures
  3. Bulk up small seeding rates with Rehofix MK1500 Bulking Granules 1 part seed to 5 parts bulking granules
  4. Rake or harrow - mix seed into soil (depth approx 0.5cm) Cambridge roll to firm seed bed
Landmandens blomster, gule, blå, røde valmuer

How to care for your wildflowers - First Year

In the first year control the weeds and reduce competition from grasses. Cut the sward to a height of 5-7cm every two months or when the sward reaches 15cm. Remove all the cuttings. Dig out or spot treat any perennial weeds.

How to care for your wildflowers - Future years

Cut to 5-7cm during March/April and remove cuttings.

A second cut should take place at the end of the flowering season during August/October. Remove all cuttings.

Further cuts in the autumn period to remove untidy growth may be required.

How to care for your annual mix?

Cut once flowering period is over - September/ October

For Cornfield Annuals - weed treat ground if necessary, cultivate and re-seed spring or autumn.
For Colour Boost - weed treat ground if necessary, cultivate and re-seed spring.

Want to sow wildflowers in your garden?

Get a beautiful, colorful wildflower meadow or increase biodiversity in your garden with a bee-friendly flower mix.

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