PM 85 Road Verge

Suitable for road verges

Available in 20kg bags

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PM 85 Road Verge

he above mixture is ideally suited for road verges where the soil may not be of the best quality and where quick establishment, short growth, and some salt and exhaust fume tolerance are called for. 4turf® perennial

ryegrass ensures fast establishment, improved drought tolerance and nitrogen efficiency. Improved stability thanks to the deeper rooted growth habit, 4turf® perennial ryegrass provides the perfect nurse crop. The inclusion of Samanta slender creeping red fescue increases the mixtures tolerance to salinity.

Treated seed, read more on GroMax by clicking HERE

Technical Specifications

  • Sowing Rate: 10-20g /m2

    Overseeding: 10g /m2

    Mowing Height: As neccessary or twice a year to 75-100mm


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

  % Species
Double 25% Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass
Maxima 40%

Strong Creeping Red Fescue

Smirna 15%

Slender Creeping Red Fescue

Dumas 15% Hard Fescue
Highland 2.5% Browntop Bent
Galway 2.5% White Clover

BSPB Turfgrass List

DLF is proud to have some of the highest STRI rated cultivars, meaning you can feel confident that your turf grass seed has the best chance at creating the elite facilities you are looking for. BSPB is a trade association providing accurately analysed and independently supervised trials for turf seed companies.

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