Festulolium is a cross between Meadow Fescue or Tall Fescue and Ryegrass. This creates a combination of high quality from Ryegrass with good Winter hardiness, persistence and stress tolerance from Fescues. As a result of crossing/backcrossing and selection, DLF have types similar to Italian Ryegrass, Hybrid Ryegrass and Tall Fescue, all with improved characteristics taken from the parent crossings. This gives an excellent opportunity to extend the growing season with these high quality grasses.
- Very high yield of dry matter
- Tolerant to drought and flooding
- Excellent Winter hardiness
- Improved disease resistance
- Digestibility and sugar levels to match Perennial Ryegrass
Different types with different properties:
PERSEUS - Advanced™ Italian Ryegrass
PERSEUS is a variety with a very vigorous growth both in spring and after cutting, but at the same time also with a good persistence.
LOFA as an Advanced™ Hybrid Ryegrass.
LOFA combines incredible palatability, yield and quality with stress tolerance and persistence.
FOJTAN Advanced™ Tall Fescue
FOJTAN has a deep and penetrating root structure to withstand extremes. It combines this with a very broad leaf, making it especially suitable for crops such as hay.

About HF Seeds
HF Seeds has been at the forefront of seed breeding technology for over 60 years, helping support UK agriculture with the best grass seed mixtures available. As part of the world’s biggest and most successful grass and clover breeder, DLF Seeds, we have access to cutting-edge innovative breeding tools that, most importantly, with local knowledge, help us formulate mixtures that work well for you, the customer
Contact the forage team
Agricultural & Specialist Seeds Team:
Telephone: 01506 894820
Email: forage@dlf.co.uk