- An excellent dual purpose variety
- Smooth, clean white roots
- High dry matter content
- Higher root yield, compared to Magnum
- Ideal for forage or biogas production
- Good disease resistance

An exciting dual purpose variety for both fodder and bio-energy production.
High yielding with a low dirt tare.
Enermax has a clean, white, smooth-skinned root and is shallow rooting, resulting in a cleaner end product particularly important for the bio-fuel market.
It has a higher root yield when compared with the well-known and popular variety Magnum. Official variety testing (Denmark 2010 - 2011), has shown that Enermax can produce 21 tonnes/DM/ha from the root only, with the beet tops adding approximately 5 tonnes DM/ha.
Enermax has the additional benefit of being Rhizomania tolerant and so is suitable for growing in the east of the country where sugarbeet is a widely grown crop, as well as in the west and other areas
Pack Size | Seed Treatment |
50,000 seeds per acre | Force 10 |
Technical Specifications
For both fodder and bio-energy production.

About Your Countryside
Your Countryside is DLF's diverse range of species and specialist mixtures, including Game Cover, Environmental Stewardship, Root Crops and Cover Crops. If you are struggling to find something to suit your needs, please contact your local technical expert who will be able to assist and advise you on your specialist mixture.
Contact the forage team
Agricultural & Specialist Seeds Team:
Telephone: 01506 894820
Email: forage@dlf.co.uk
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Forage Crops
DLF has a range of straights and mixtures that support the environment, whether that's through building habitats, improving soil conditions & water infiltration.
Fodder Beet
Fodder Beet is grown as a main root crop, which requires similar husbandry to sugar beet. It can produce substantial yields of high quality fodder and is an excellent supplement to grass silage.