This option will provide food for farmland wildlife, such as pollen and nectar for pollinators, and invertebrate chick food for farmland birds.
For agreements starting on or after 1 January 2021
It will also offer a rotational reduction of blackgrass.
If successful there will be:
- a reduction in flowering blackgrass and an abundant supply of sown pollen and nectar-rich flowers between early and late summer in year 3 and year 5 of the agreement
- pollinating and beneficial insects such as bumblebees, solitary bees, butterflies and hoverflies, using these flowers
- some adult farmland birds and chicks seen foraging in and around the sown fallow between April and July
Sowing Rate | Pack Size |
15 - 20kg/ha | 20kg |
Technical Specifications
Two year sown legume fallow

About Your Countryside
Your Countryside is DLF's diverse range of species and specialist mixtures, including Game Cover, Environmental Stewardship, Root Crops and Cover Crops. If you are struggling to find something to suit your needs, please contact your local technical expert who will be able to assist and advise you on your specialist mixture.
Contact the forage team
Agricultural & Specialist Seeds Team:
Telephone: 01506 894820
Email: forage@dlf.co.uk
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Environmental Seeds
DLF has a range of straights and mixtures that support the environment, whether that's through building habitats, improving soil conditions & water infiltration.
Buffer Strip Mixtures
Buffer strips, managed as low-intensity grassland, can be used for a wide variety of purposes such as creating new habitats and protecting existing ones, protecting archaeological features and capturing surface water run-off.