HorseMax Paddock
Long term horse grazing with an option to produce a quality hay crop
Long term horse grazing with an option to produce a quality hay crop. HorseMax Paddock is designed using diploid Perennial Ryegrasses, Timothy and Creeping Red Fescue. Sward density is a key consideration as both grazing and winter feed are often produced from the same area. Timothy is much favoured by horses and in particular gives hay a sweet smell and is very palatable. Creeping Red Fescue is key to keeping the sward together and because of its growth habit quickly repairs the turf when damaged by the hooves.
- Very good sward density
- Suitable for a hay crop if desired
- Hard wearing sward
- Varieties selected to reduce incidents of laminitis
- An extremely versatile equine mixture
Technical Specifications
Cutting & Grazing (5 Years Plus)
13-15kg/acre (32-37kg/ha)
Bag Size: 10kg
% | Cultivars | Species |
15% | Calvano | Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass |
30% | Boyne | Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass |
25% | Toddington | Late Perennial Ryegrass |
20% | Maxima | Creeping Red Fescue |
10% | Comer | Timothy |
About Foragemax
The Foragemax range showcases the latest and most advanced technology in grass breeding. Foragemax was the first to successfully introduce now widely used species such as Festuloliums and the measurement and classifying of variable digestibility within grass varieties (Insert Fiber logo), which helps its users achieve the best possible and most profitable outcomes. Drawing on global resources, Foragemax ensures it remains relevant to local markets by creating customised mixture portfolios to suit each country.
Contact the forage team
Agricultural & Specialist Seeds Team:
Telephone: 01506 894820